Free Anime Images for Commercial Use

Free Anime Images for Commercial Use

The illustration illustrations created by Animenbo is free for anyone and can be used freely without credit notation or permission.

Both personal and commercial are available.

You can use it for anything such as icons such as Twitter and WhatsApp, smartphone wallpapers, accents for blogs and homepages, children's drawing play, commercial use.

However, please refrain from claiming the copyright or reselling unprocessed (or almost untouched) illustrations.

If you want to download the image, right-click and save it.

Free illustrations of school uniform

school uniform girl (free anime images)

school uniform boy (free anime images)

girl in sailor suit (free anime images)

Girl in uniform (free anime images)

Free illustrations for women

girls (free anime images)

Girl in a dress (free anime images)

Free illustrations for men

anime man (free anime images)

Man with glasses (free anime images)

Man with headphones (free anime images)


  1. Hi Animenbo! I love your pictures. I would LOVE to use one on the cover of a journal I am making to sell on Amazon. I believe Amazon automatically puts a copyright disclosure on all their books so others don't copy exactly what is being sold. My book will have a title, so that can't be copied, but I don't see a problem with anyone else using the same great picture. What do you think? I am not wanting to do anything illegal.

  2. I would also give you credit inside the book for your picture.

  3. I would like to use one of your great drawings for the cover of a journal to sell on Amazon. I think Amazon automatically makes it copyright protected for use in other journals. Is it ok to use one of your pictures for that? I don't want to do anything illegal.

  4. Sure! Feel free to use it in your book because these are free anime images. Also, I am glad to see that people can use and share my content. Additionally, I appreciate your will of giving me the credit inside the book for my picture.

  5. Is the first image free to use as well commercially? The yellow background, anime school girl.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Is it okay to edit the anime images too? I want to extend the length and use the background. Your images are very pretty :)


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